Home Cyber Security

 As time progresses we’ve come to rely more and more on technology for our daily bread. The internet has established itself as an integral part of our lives. However, despite the many advantages of the internet, there are a lot of dangers, which is why online security is something youRead More →

what technical seo issue can you solve with an ssl certificate

Did you know over 90% of websites now use HTTPS protocols? This shows how important SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are for website security and SEO. As an SEO expert, I’ve seen how SSL certificates are key to solving big SEO problems and improving website rankings. In this article, we’ll look at SSL certificates, their effect onRead More →

5 Crucial Steps to Secure Your System

There is a plethora of virus types, in addition to security flaws, as well as plain old negligence, that is capable of making your system vulnerable to cyberattacks.   Despite that, Windows 10/11 are still amongst the most secure operating systems you can use today. But, when it comes to security,Read More →

Is System Ui a Spy App

In the vast landscape of Android functionality, System UI often finds itself amidst misconceptions, with some users mistakenly linking it to spy apps. This introduction aims to dispel these myths, shedding light on the genuine role of System UI in the Android ecosystem. By understanding its significance, users can navigateRead More →

How to know if an android blocked you on iphone

Every smartphone has a blocking feature; It is essential to understand whether you are blocked. This blocking feature helps you move on, protect your emotional space, or initiate direct contact or conversation with the person involved. There are many reasons why an Android blocked your iPhone, including incompatibility, personal conflicts,Read More →